NORTH BRANCH, MINN. – In response to the passage of H.R. 5297, the “Small Businesses Jobs and Credit Act,” Chip Cravaack, endorsed Republican candidate for Minnesota’s 8th Congressional District issued the following statement:
“This bill ignores the real problems that are preventing businesses from creating jobs. If Congressman Oberstar spent less time talking with lobbyists and Washington insiders and more with small business owners in our district, he would know that their main concerns are taxes and the costly regulations imposed on them by Congress.
If Congressman Oberstar was serious about helping small businesses, he would stop the tax hikes that are set to hit middle class families so they have money to spend and spur economic activity. He would end the costly ObamaCare regulations and mandates, and work for real economic development instead of ‘bringing home the bacon.’
It doesn’t matter how much money is available for businesses to borrow if people don’t have money to buy their products or services. Without meaningful action to address the issues that are really preventing job growth, we will continue to see numerous cities and counties in our district with unemployment over 10 percent.
Additionally, the American Small Business League, a bipartisan group, believes that this bill will actually be harmful to job growth and that ‘the potential for harm greatly outweighs any potential for benefit.’
This so-called ‘small business and jobs’ bill is nothing but political posturing in an election year and does little to help small business owners. Congressman Oberstar claims to support Main Street but he has failed Minnesota’s small businesses.”
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