Chip talks small business and 2nd Amendment in Menahga

Chip and Team Cravaack members Jon, Nick, and I left from the home office in North Branch at 5:45 this morning to make it to Menahga by 9:00 and meet up with local State Senate candidate Gretchen Hoffman and other volunteers. Along the way, we passed the 15-foot walleye statue in Garrison, Lake Mille Lacs (I forgot how big it is), and a tipped over poultry truck in Sebeka. Unfortunately, the schedule didn’t allow for any photo ops.

We had a great breakfast at the Cottage House Cafe; you need to stop by when you go through Menahga. It’s just to the east of 71. Chip posed for a photo with the staff and owner (red shirt, blue apron) and then listened while she expressed her concerns about increasing taxes and the effects it has had on her business and ability to provide jobs in Menahga.

Because many small business owners report their business income as individual income, they will be hit particularly hard by the Democrat tax hike that is set to take place in a little over 130 days. Chip told her that even though some people may disagree on their fundamental view on taxes, we should all be able to agree that it is never wise to raise taxes during periods of high unemployment, as Democrats in Congress are set to do. The tax hikes have been called “a ticking time bomb” and a “bullet in the head” of recovery.

We also met a man, who like Chip, had served in the Navy. Another in an NRA hat asked Chip his view on the Second Amendment. Chip said, “I’m licensed to carry and do so regularly.” It was a satisfactory answer.

The response while door knocking in Menahga was great. We all came  back with at least one story of a Democrat who was ready to see someone new represent them in Congress and no one in the town could remember the last time they saw the incumbent in town. One woman, and I hesitate to use the word, squealed with delight when she found out that Chip was running against Congressman Oberstar.

We’re getting ready for another round of door knocking in Wadena, more on that later tonight after the Meet and Greet.

-Kyler Nerison, Communications Director

Chip, Gretchen, and Cottage House Cafe owner and staff.

Chip and State Senate candidate Gretchen Hoffman with the Cottage House Cafe owner and staff.

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