Small Business Endorses Chip Cravaack for Congress

Lower taxes, less government approach favored

WASHINGTON, D.C., Sept. 30, 2010 — Today the National Federation of Independent Business, America’s leading small business association, announced its full support and endorsement of Minnesota’s 8th U.S. Congressional District challenger, Chip Cravaack.

A third-generation retired Naval Reserve officer, Cravaack has issued strong positions on policies that would strengthen the nation’s small firms and rein in federal government hindrance of the free enterprise system.

“Captain Chip Cravaack believes strongly that small business can lead America out of this recession if the government will get out of the way and let Main Street do what it does best: create jobs and grow the economy,” said Lisa Goeas, NFIB’s vice president for political operations. “He will fight for the rights of small businesses to enjoy the time-honored idea of secret ballots if faced with labor union elections and stand firm against economically-devastating schemes such as job-killing ‘cap and trade’ pollution deals.”

Offering Minnesota’s 8th District a fresh approach of limited government and fiscal responsibility, Cravaack would be a friend to small business in a state with more than 121,000 small employers. Nationally, small businesses generate more than half of the non-farm Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and have created more than 60 percent of the net-new jobs in the United States over the past 15 years.

NFIB’s endorsement boosts Cravaack’s campaign with significant grassroots backing by Minnesota’s small business community, which actively recruit friends, family members and acquaintances to vote in large numbers on Election Day.

Cravaack’s endorsement comes from NFIB’s Save America’s Free Enterprise Trust (SAFE), the association’s political action committee, which bases candidates’ support on key small business issues such as healthcare, taxes, and labor and regulatory issues.


NFIB is the nation’s leading small business association, with offices in Washington, D.C. and all 50 states. Founded in 1943 as a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, NFIB gives small and independent business owners a voice in shaping the public policy issues that affect their business. NFIB’s powerful network of grassroots activists sends their views directly to state and federal lawmakers through our unique member-only ballot, thus playing a critical role in supporting America’s free enterprise system. NFIB’s mission is to promote and protect the right of our members to own, operate and grow their businesses. More information about NFIB is available online at

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Let Freedom Ring » Blog Archive » BREAKING NEWS: NFIB Endorses Cravaack

[...] 30th, 2010 • 10:13 pmBREAKING NEWS: NFIB Endorses Cravaack This afternoon, the NFIB announced that they’re endorsing Chip Cravaack in his bid to unseat longtime Congressman Oberstar: Today the National Federation of Independent [...]

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[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Nick Erickson and Rob Wills, CravaackForCongress. CravaackForCongress said: Independents, farmers, and now small business endorse for Congress in #mn8! #stribpol #mngop #twisters [...]

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