VIRGINIA, MINN. – Chip Cravaack, endorsed Republican Congressional candidate for Minnesota’s 8th district, will introduce both Independent and DFL party endorsements at a corn feed fundraiser.

Independence Party candidate Tim Olson has dropped from the race to endorse Chip Cravaack.
Tim Olson, Independence Party candidate for Congress, said, “I will do everything in my power to ensure that Chip Cravaack is elected to Congress.” Olson, a former business owner, “knows the hardships of owning a business and trying to keep good jobs in Northern Minnesota.”
“Tim, a lifelong Minnesotan and a devoted husband, father, brother, and son, is a tremendous individual. He understands, more than anyone, what we need to do to bring sustainable, meaningful work back to this great state. I am absolutely humbled by his support,” Cravaack said.
“This endorsement from an Independence Party candidate is unprecedented – this shows that we have the momentum and the coalition needed to win on November 2nd,” Cravaack continued.
The most recent Independent candidate, Mike Darling, garnered nearly 20,000 votes when he ran in 2000.
“Although there are untold numbers of disaffected Democrats in Northern Minnesota and the Range, this election is not about party. This election is about people and getting things done. It’s about getting this district and this country back to work,” said Olson.
Paul Starkovich of Ely will lead the Democrats for Chip coalition for the Cravaack campaign. Starkovich, a former professional baseball player, union steelworker, and Major League baseball scout, has a broad range of Democrats pledging their support for Cravaack.
“All my buddies tell me they’re sick of the way the DFL is going – the F and the L are long gone. That’s why 20 percent of Democrats voted against Oberstar in the primary. Steelworkers need jobs. They need someone who still cares about them. They need someone like Chip Cravaack,” said Starkovich.
“I’m proud to be part of this coalition,” Cravaack said. “This tri-partisan support will lead us to victory in November.”
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[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Rob Wills and Kyler Nerison, Ryan Mattson. Ryan Mattson said: RT : Cravaack announces major endorsements from Independent and DFL party leaders #mn2010 #mngop [...]
[...] This statement by Paul Starkovich, leader of Democrats for Chip Coalition, sums up the Minnesota DFL better than any characterization that I’ve heard in a long time.. “All my buddies tell me they’re sick of the way the DFL is going – the F and the L are long go… [...]
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