September 14 E-newsletter

It is hard to believe how fast the days have been flying by as Election Day approaches. It seems like just yesterday that I made the decision to run after I was told that Congressman Oberstar was “too busy” to hold a town hall meeting on the health care bill. A lot has happened since that day, both in our country and our campaign.

National employment ticked up to 9.6% last month. Thirty million Americans are now unemployed, underemployed, or have given up looking altogether. It was recently reported that millions of seniors may have to switch their Medicare prescription drug plans despite constant reassurance that everyone would be able to keep their plans. We can do better.

The challenges facing us are many, but I am confident that as a country, we will overcome them and emerge a better nation. It is the encouragement and support of people like you that keep me working hard to win this election and return Minnesota’s 8th Congressional seat back to its true owners: the people of our district.


Captain Chip Cravaack
USNR – Retired

Chip announces major endorsement

Chip Cravaack, endorsed Republican Congressional candidate for Minnesota’s 8th district, introduced both Independent and DFL party endorsements at a corn feed fundraiser in Virginia, Minn.

Tim Olson, Independence Party candidate for Congress, said, “I will do everything in my power to ensure that Chip Cravaack is elected to Congress.” Olson, a former business owner, “knows the hardships of owning a business and trying to keep good jobs in Northern Minnesota.”

“Tim, a lifelong Minnesotan and a devoted husband, father, brother, and son, is a tremendous individual. He understands, more than anyone, what we need to do to bring sustainable, meaningful work back to this great state. I am absolutely humbled by his support,” Cravaack said.

Click HERE to read the rest.

Chip listed in “race where your support can REALLY do the most good”

Last week, nationally-reknowned campaign strategist Dick Morris omitted Chip from his list of eleven House races where he thinks people should throw their support. This week, the Republican Liberty Caucus corrected his mistake. Liberty Caucus leader Dave Nalle criticized Morris’s list for being “almost entirely composed of establishment candidates” and for ignorning “the imperative to change the focus of the party and the Congress in November.”

He wrote: “While Morris’s candidates may have a good chance of winning, they are mostly not the kinds of candidates who will move the GOP in a positive direction or take roles as principled leaders in Congress. They may end up being helpful votes as part of a future coalition, but they are not the right candidates to form the nucleus of a new and better Republican majority.”

Chip is not an establishment candidate or a politician. He will be an independent, principled leader in Congress who represents the people of his distrct, not a political party and not special interests.

Thank you for your support!

With your help, we reached our Labor Day Weekend goal of $10,000 raised online. This money will keep Chip on the move throughout the district holding meet and greets and town hall meetings, a vital part of our campaign strategy.

We are just 49 days away from Election Day on November 2nd. Can you donate $49 today to help purchase radio spots so that Chip’s message of job creation and economic growth through limted government and fiscal common sense spreads even faster? Just $1 per day is a small price to pay for a leader like Chip Cravaack in Congress. Click HERE to donate $49 (just $1 per day between now and November 2nd) or more.

One Response

Judy Koyiol

What a great article! Let’s all help Chip keep the momentum going and leave no doubt that he should be the next Congressman for the 8th!

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