Chip Cravaack airs first TV ad ‘All Due Respect’

Chip Cravaack for Congress released a new television ad on Thursday titled ‘All Due Respect.’ The ad is Cravaack’s first and will be aired throughout the 8th district. The ad highlights Congressman Jim Oberstar’s votes for nationalized healthcare, raising energy taxes, excessive spending that created few jobs.

Last week, a poll showed Cravaack within 3 points of the 18-term incumbent Jim Oberstar, a strong position going into the final stretch of the race. The poll was conducted by Public Opinion Strategies, a national firm who also does polling for the Wall Street Journal and NBC News.

Cravaack is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy and served in the U.S. Navy and Naval Reserve for 24 years during which he served at the Pentagon and NATO. After retiring from the Navy, he flew commercially for Northwest Airlines and served as a union representative for the Air Line Pilots Association. Cravaack lives with his wife and two young sons in Lindstrom and was president of the local Parent Teacher Organization.

4 Responses

Jim Anderson

Your Comment Love your ad, very good work..Chip for President…Jim

Greg McQuay

Robin Williams said it best in a movie

“Politicians are like diapers, and need to be changed often for the same reason”

Good Luck Commander, I would love to have a sign, my wife and I have already voted for you!

lonnie luedders

Remembering you from NWA I know you will do a great job and have inegrity, contrary to Rep Oberstar. You might want to remind people in the 8th how, as Transportation Chairman, he irresponsibly misued his position to attempt to delay the National Safety Transportation Board report on the 35W bridge in Minneapolis. He died simply because the report brought forth the lies he and Murphy from Red Wing had been spreading about the cause of the collapse. Only KKersten wrote about his recklessness. He did NOT want the gusset plates to become public knowledge since he nor news had EVER mentioned them previously. His stall did not work and the report was published. What a misuse of his office is shameful and should not be forgotted. GO Chip!


I had the opportunity to listen to Mr. Cravaack in International Falls when he was here for a short stop. He will be a wonderful change for our State. Common sense and love of our country, who could ask for anything better.

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