Tomorrow, Gun Owners of America Executive Director Larry Pratt will be speaking at a 10:00 a.m. press conference at 6028 410th St in North Branch (). Pratt will be discussing the anti-gun votes of incumbent Rep. Jim Oberstar, and contrasting his record with the pro-gun positions of Chip Cravaack. The two candidates are locked in a tight battle in Minnesota’s Eighth Congressional District.
Gun Owners of America, the only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington, is exposing the anti-gun records of dozens of so-called Blue Dog Democrats across the country who pretend to be pro-gun while they often vote with anti-gun House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Gun Owners of America was founded in 1975 by former California State Senator H.L. “Bill” Richardson. GOA has more than 300,000 members nationwide. Larry Pratt will be available for additional interviews and questions following the press conference.
Please feel free to attend and stay after for a gun shoot with Chip Cravaack & Gun Owners of America President Larry Pratt.
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