8th District Jobs

A question was raised on our last conference call regarding jobs in the 8th District and I have been doing some research.  The amount of jobs that Oberstar created or saved in and around the Iron Range is unknown and unknowable. Here’s what is known.

  • Massive areas of Northern Minnesota are under federal control since Oberstar took office.
  • Oberstar has overseen the economic collapse of the 8th District.
  • The logging industry is slowly being strangled by environmental ideas that supersede the economic well being of the people.
  • The mining industry is a shadow of it’s former self.
  • Non-ferrous and PGM mining are being stalled endlessly by environmental concerns at the federal level even though Oberstar says he is supports mining.
  • Both international and domestic (lake) shipping tonnage is down.
  • The House Cap and Trade bill would reduce Duluth’s shipment of Montana low-sulfur coal; one of the few areas of shipping growth.
  • Koochiching, St. Louis & Lake counties are all losing population, young people are leaving due to a lack of employment opportunities.
  • The City of Duluth is, by most definitions bankrupt.
  • Koochiching County is $18,000 below state average median household income.
  • St. Louis County is $7,000 below state average median household income. (Mesabi and Vermillion Iron Ranges)
  • Cook County is $11,000 below state average median household income.
  • Lake County is $7,000 below state average median household income.
  • Itasca County is $13,000 below state average median household income.
  • Carlton County is $8,000 below state average median household income.
  • Pine County is $12,000 below state average median household income.
  • Aitkin County is $18.000 below state average median household income. (Cuyuna Iron Range)
  • Cass County is $15,000 below state average median household income.
  • Crow Wing County is $11.000 below state average median household income.
  • 35 years under Oberstar has seen county with logging, mining and shipping industrial bases collapse.
  • Just as handouts cannot lift a citizen out of poverty, pork cannot replace the vital economies being strangled by federal regulatory initiates— and Oberstar is just warming up with this new America’s Commitment to Clean Water Act which will place many of
  • Northern Minnesota’s jobs in jeopardy.

I know this is not good news but if there is a silver lining it is this…..elections are less than 6 months away. 

Let’s keep moving forward!

4 Responses

Your Comments
Thank you for stepping up! Oberstar blew me off also when I contacted him about the healthcare bill. You are exactly what we need in Congress. Your values and integrity are a God send! I live in Virginia, MN and not all Iron Rangers are blind DFL’ers…I will tell all my family and friends to check out your web site. You have my vote! GO CHIP GO!

Ted Pender

What areas of Northern Minnesota are under federal control? Why is it a problem? How do you plan to rectify the problem?
How would you cease the legal challenges of the environmental activists and get the non-ferrous mining going, thereby putting my customers back to work?
Our entire community (Northeastern Minnesota) is losing population due to the fact that college graduates need jobs. What plans will you put in place to secure good jobs for our children to attain, thereby keeping our families and communities secure, tight-knit, and allowing them to be raised in the beautiful environment that previous generations were afforded? Also, what can you see being changed to allow children from working-class families to be able to get quality educations without the shadow of lifelong debt hanging over their heads?
I’ve voted for Congressman Oberstar several times in my young life, (I’m 34 years old and own restaurants in Biwabik and Virginia) but I’ve always kept an open mind towards all other candidates (I’ve never voted a straight party ticket in any election,ever!) What can you bring to the table to make it worthwhile to vote out an established member of congress from my district?
I’m genuinely interested in looking to change the status quo, and am interested in your thoughts.
No matter the outcome, I wish you all the best, and I congratulate your courage in taking on this endeavor.
I’m looking forward to hearing back from you.
Ted Pender, owner, Poor Gary’s PIzza, Virginia and Biwabik, MN.


Dear Ted,

You raise a number of good questions here. Chip is currently meeting with a variety of people to create a solid plan of economic development for the 8th District. Sadly,people , mostly young people, have been leaving the 8th District in droves due to the lack of jobs that are available. We have a problem when our biggest export is our children. We will keep you posted on when Chip will be in your area to discuss these issues, and encourage you to watch for more information on the website.


Anne Neu
Campaign Manager, Cravaack for Congress

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